WPF App Doesn't Shut Down When Closing Main Window

In your MainWindow.xaml.cs, try doing this:

protected override void OnClosed(EventArgs e)


Per this link, you can also set the ShutdownMode in XAML:



Applications stop running only when the Shutdown method of the Application is called. Shut down can occur implicitly or explicitly, as specified by the value of the ShutdownMode property.

If you set ShutdownMode to OnLastWindowClose, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) implicitly calls Shutdown when the last window in an application closes, even if any currently instantiated windows are set as the main window (see MainWindow).

A ShutdownMode of OnMainWindowClose causes WPF to implicitly call Shutdown when the MainWindow closes, even if other windows are currently open.

The lifetime of some applications may not be dependent on when the main window or last window is closed, or may not be dependent on windows at all. For these scenarios you need to set the ShutdownMode property to OnExplicitShutdown, which requires an explicit Shutdown method call to stop the application. Otherwise, the application continues running in the background.

ShutdownMode can be configured declaratively from XAML or programmatically from code.

This property is available only from the thread that created the Application object.

In your case, the app isn't closing because you're probably using the default OnLastWindowClose:

If you set ShutdownMode to OnLastWindowClose, WPF implicitly calls Shutdown when the last window in an application closes, even if any currently instantiated windows are set as the main window (see MainWindow).

Since you're opening a new window, and not closing it, shutdown doesn't get called.

I'm glad you got your answer but for the sake of others I'll answer your question as-well to add some information.

Step 1

First, if you want your program to exit when the main window closes down, you need to specify, since this is not WinForms where this behavior is default.

(The default in WPF is when the last window closes down)

In Code

Go to your application instance in your entry point (In VS 2012's WPF program the default is nested inside App.xaml, so go inside it and navigate to App.xaml.cs & create a constructor).

In the constructor specify that your Application's ShutdownMode should be ShutdownMode.OnLastWindowClose.

    public App()
        ShutdownMode = ShutdownMode.OnLastWindowClose;


Go to your App.xaml file that VS 2012 created by default (or create it yourself) The root is an Application, specify inside that your Application's ShutdownMode should be ShutdownMode.OnLastWindowClose.

<Application x:Class="WpfApplication27.App"

If it works, you're done; you can stop reading.

Step 2

If the above didn't work (I guess you wrote the WPF application from scratch), the main window probably isn't known to the application as the main window. So specify that as-well.

In Code

Go to the application's constructor as you did in Step 1, and specify that Application.MainWindow's value is your Window:

MainWindow = mainWindow;


Go to the Application XAML as you did in Step 1, and specify that Application.MainWindow's value is your Window:

MainWindow = "mainWindow";


I don't think this is the best approach, just because WPF doesn't want you to do this (so it has Application's ShutdownMode), but you can just use an event / override an event method (OnEventHappened).

Go to the MainWindow's code-behind file and add:

    protected override void OnClosed(EventArgs e)


Because the default shutdown mode in a WPF application is OnLastWindowClose, which means the application stops when the last window closes.

When you instantiate a new Window object, it automatically gets added to the list of windows in the application. So, the problem was that your application was creating two windows when it started - the MainWindow and the not-yet-shown Window01 - and if you only closed the MainWindow, the Window01 would keep your application running.

Normally, you will create a window object in the same method that is going to call its ShowDialog, and you will create a new window object each time the dialog is shown.

I stumbled across this Question when searching for something else and I was surprised that I could not see any of the proposed answers mentioning about Window.Owner.

       var newWindow = new AdditionalWindow();
       newWindow.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this);

       // then later on show the window with Show() or ShowDialog()

A call to Window.GetWindow(this) is quite useful in View of an MVVM application when you are far down the visual tree not knowing where you have been instantiated, it can be called by supplying any FrameWork element (e.g. UserContol, Button, Page). Obviously if you have a direct reference to the window then use that or even Application.Current.MainWindow.

This is quite a powerful relationship that has a number of useful benefits that you might not realise to begin with (assuming you have not specifically coded separate windows to avoided these relationships).

If we call your main window MainWindow and the second window as AdditionalWindow then....

  1. Minimising the MainWindow will also minimise AdditionalWindow
  2. Restoring MainWindow will also restore AdditionalWindow
  3. Closing MainWindow will close AdditionalWindow, but closing AdditionalWindow will not close MainWindow
  4. AdditioanlWindow will never get "lost" under MainWindow, i.e. AddditionalWindow always shows above MainWindow in the z-order if you used Show() to display it (quite useful!)

One thing to note though, if you have this relationship, then the Closing event on the AdditionalWindow is not called, so you'd have to manually iterate over the OwnedWindows collection. e.g. Create a way to call each window via a new Interface, or base class method.

    private void MainWindow_OnClosing(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
        foreach (var window in OwnedWindows)
            var win = window as ICanCancelClosing;  // a new interface you have to create
            e.Cancel |= win.DoYouWantToCancelClosing();

None of the above worked for me, maybe because our project uses Prism. So ended up using this in the App.XAML.cs

    protected override void OnExit(ExitEventArgs e)