Where is a full (complete) list of defaults domains and parameters?

I found several long lists with defaults, settings, but never a complete one with a reference to developers.apple.com. Is there any such list to find? If not, which is the longest/systematic/complete list with defaults?


I'm interested more in the system administration point of view on the collection of the defaults settings, rather than in the developing an application


Interesting could be something like TinkerTool collection in the form of Application, but using only the terminal


e.g. all defaults keys from NSGlobalDomain

Here is the list of all defaults parameters that [I think] you are looking for.

Here is the link I got it from.

Looks something like this, but a lot longer :) :

NSBundleIdentifier = "com.apple.Stickies"; NSBundlePath = "/Applications/Stickies.app"; NSKeyEquivalent = { English = Y; default = Y; }; NSMenuItem = { English = "Make New Sticky Note"; default = "Make Sticky"; }; NSMessage = makeStickyFromTextService; NSPortName = Stickies; NSSendTypes = ( NSStringPboardType, NSRTFPboardType, NSRTFDPboardType); NSUUID = <8d4e24fb c97345b3 89d26400 baabea39>; },

If The Above Is Not Sufficient

Try searching for what you want here. It is a database of hidden, secret settings for NSGlobalDomain.

I believe this may be what you're looking for.