Make multiple-select to adjust its height to fit options without scroll bar
Apparently this doesn't work:
height: 100%;
it makes the select have 100% page height...
doesn't work either, I still get the vertical scrollbar.
Any other ideas?
I guess you can use the size
attribute. It works in all recent browsers.
<select name="courses" multiple="multiple" size="30" style="height: 100%;">
You can do this using the size
attribute in the select
Supposing you have 8 options, then you would do it like:
<select name='courses' multiple="multiple" size='8'>
Old, but this will do what you're after without need for jquery. The hidden overflow gets rid of the scrollbar, and the javascript makes it the right size.
<select multiple='multiple' id='select' style='overflow:hidden'>
<option value='foo'>foo</option>
<option value='bar'>bar</option>
<option value='abc'>abc</option>
<option value='def'>def</option>
<option value='xyz'>xyz</option>
And just a tiny amount of javascript
var select = document.getElementById('select');
select.size = select.length;
For jQuery you can try this. I always do the following and it works.
$(function () {
$("#multiSelect").attr("size",$("#multiSelect option").length);