How can I fix my UPS repeatedly disconnecting and reconnecting?

Inspired by this post, the solution for me so far has been to create a new udev rule:

# /etc/udev/rules.d/62-nut-usbups.rules

SUBSYSTEM!="usb", GOTO="nut-usbups_rules_end"

# TrippLite
#  e.g. TrippLite SMART1500LCD - usbhid-ups
ACTION=="add|change", SUBSYSTEM=="usb|usb_device", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb|usb_device", ATTR{idVendor}=="09ae", ATTR{idProduct}=="2012", MODE="664", GROUP="nut", RUN+="/sbin/upsdrvctl stop; /sbin/upsdrvctl start"


And change the pollinterval in my ups.conf:

# /etc/nut/ups.conf

pollinterval = 1

    driver = usbhid-ups
    port = auto
    desc = "Tripp Lite SMART1500LCD"
    vendorid = 09ae
    productid = 2012

So far, 24 hours in, there have been no USB disconnects nor UPS stale data warnings.

There may be more graceful solutions out there but this works for now.