REST API 404: Bad URI, or Missing Resource?

I'm building a REST API, but I've encountered a problem.

It seems that accepted practice in designing a REST API is that if the resource requested doesn't exist, a 404 is returned.

However, to me, this adds unnecessary ambiguity. HTTP 404 is more traditionally associated with a bad URI. So in effect we're saying "Either you got to the right place, but that specific record does not exist, or there's no such location on the Internets! I'm really not sure which one..."

Consider the following URI:


If I get a 404 back, is that because User 13 does not exist? Or is it because my URL should have been:


In the past, I've just returned a NULL result with an HTTP 200 OK response code if the record doesn't exist. It's simple, and in my opinion very clean, even if it's not necessarily accepted practice. But is there a better way to do this?

404 is just the HTTP response code. On top of that, you can provide a response body and/or other headers with a more meaningful error message that developers will see.

Use 404 if the resource does not exist. Don't return 200 with an empty body.

This is akin to undefined vs empty string (e.g. "") in programming. While very similar, there is definitely a difference.

404 means that nothing exists at that URI (like an undefined variable in programming). Returning 200 with an empty body means that something does exist there and that something is just empty right now (like an empty string in programming).

404 doesn't mean it was a "bad URI". There are special HTTP codes that are intended for URI errors (e.g. 414 Request-URI Too Long).

As with most things, "it depends". But to me, your practice is not bad and is not going against the HTTP spec per se. However, let's clear some things up.

First, URI's should be opaque. Even if they're not opaque to people, they are opaque to machines. In other words, the difference between http://mywebsite/api/user/13, http://mywebsite/restapi/user/13 is the same as the difference between http://mywebsite/api/user/13 and http://mywebsite/api/user/14 i.e. not the same is not the same period. So a 404 would be completely appropriate for http://mywebsite/api/user/14 (if there is no such user) but not necessarily the only appropriate response.

You could also return an empty 200 response or more explicitly a 204 (No Content) response. This would convey something else to the client. It would imply that the resource identified by http://mywebsite/api/user/14 has no content or is essentially nothing. It does mean that there is such a resource. However, it does not necessarily mean that you are claiming there is some user persisted in a data store with id 14. That's your private concern, not the concern of the client making the request. So, if it makes sense to model your resources that way, go ahead.

There are some security implications to giving your clients information that would make it easier for them to guess legitimate URI's. Returning a 200 on misses instead of a 404 may give the client a clue that at least the http://mywebsite/api/user part is correct. A malicious client could just keep trying different integers. But to me, a malicious client would be able to guess the http://mywebsite/api/user part anyway. A better remedy would be to use UUID's. i.e. http://mywebsite/api/user/3dd5b770-79ea-11e1-b0c4-0800200c9a66 is better than http://mywebsite/api/user/14. Doing that, you could use your technique of returning 200's without giving much away.