How do I disable the Home encryption offered during install? [duplicate]

I have a new Ubuntu 10.04 installation with encrypted home directory (using the built-in encryption offered by Ubuntu installer).

What's the easiest way to stop using encryption? (I.e., to decrypt my home directory permanently.)

(It's giving me problems with kernel updates, and I'd just like to cut down on all the hassle I'm having with this installation.)

Solution 1:

Googling around, I found this post:

Not to bring up an old thread but in case anyone has errors trying to follow these instructions, here is what I did.

  1. Backup the home directory while you are logged in sudo cp -rp /home/user /home/user.backup

    1.1. Check that your home backup has everything!!!

  2. reboot into root via grub
  3. Delete your home directory rm -rf /home/user
  4. Remove the packages apt-get remove ecryptfs-utils libecryptfs0
  5. Restore your home directory mv /home/user.backup /home/user
  6. reboot
  7. Remove any of those .Private .ecryptfs folders rm -rf ~/.Private rm -rf ~/.ecryptfs
  8. Yay!
This worked for me. Home folder file permissions stay intact and does not bugger up Dropbox or git repos. Some reason my fresh install on Ubuntu 9.10 would not do the first command. Just make sure you think the process through when using rm -rf. Just wanted to post this not only for my record, but anyone else who encounters problems.

Some notes

  • reboot into root via grub was a bit unclear to me; I didn't reboot, just switched to using root (another user account with sudo privileges would work equally well).
  • Before removing the packages ecryptfs-utils and libecryptfs0 would work, I needed to remove /home/.ecryptfs/<myusername>. (It complained that ecryptfs-utils was in use.)

Other than that, this worked for me. It's far from simple though, so feel free to post better solutions!

Solution 2:

Here you are, hope this helps (see ecryptfs-setup-private(1)):

$ ecryptfs-setup-private --undo

The output claims:

In the event that you want to remove your eCryptfs Private Directory setup, you will need to very carefully perform the following actions manually:

  1. Obtain your Private directory mountpoint

    $ PRIVATE=`cat ~/.ecryptfs/Private.mnt 2>/dev/null || echo $HOME/Private`
  2. Ensure that you have moved all relevant data out of your $PRIVATE directory

  3. Unmount your encrypted private directory

    $ ecryptfs-umount-private
  4. Make your Private directory writable again

    $ chmod 700 $PRIVATE
  5. Remove $PRIVATE, ~/.Private, ~/.ecryptfs


    $ rm -rf $PRIVATE ~/.Private ~/.ecryptfs
  6. Uninstall the utilities (this is specific to your Linux distribution)

    $ sudo apt-get remove ecryptfs-utils libecryptfs0

Solution 3:

1st thing to do: BACKUP YOUR HOME. I can't say it louder... basically undoing encryption is equivalent to resetting (rm -rf) your home, which is in fact hidden by a mount.

2nd step: log out of any desktop manager and go to a virtual console (Ctrl + Alt + F3)

Finally, for details:

ecryptfs-setup-private --undo

In the event that you want to remove your eCryptfs Private Directory setup, you will need to very carefully perform the following actions manually:

  1. Obtain your Private directory mountpoint PRIVATE= cat ~/.ecryptfs/Private.mnt 2>/dev/null || echo $HOME/Private

  2. Ensure that you have moved all relevant data out of your $PRIVATE directory

  3. Unmount your encrypted private directory

  4. Make your Private directory writable again

    chmod 700 $PRIVATE
  5. Remove $PRIVATE, ~/.Private, ~/.ecryptfs Note: This is very permanent, be very careful.

      rm -rf $PRIVATE ~/.Private ~/.ecryptfs
  6. Uninstall the utilities

     sudo apt-get remove ecryptfs-utils libecryptfs0

I would say step 5 is a bit wrong : there's no need to delete $PRIVATE, which was for me my home....

After .Private and .ecryptfs deletion, just restore your home :]

Solution 4:

This steps will work in a server environment

  1. Backup your home directory

    sudo cp -rp /home/$USER /home/$USER.backup
  2. Confirm whether everything is backup

    sudo ls -al /home/$USER.backup
  3. Umount the home folder, because the encryption program usually mounts it to mount point e.g /home/$USER,also known as $HOME. You can confirm your mount point by running df -h $HOME. You will have to cd /tmp (or some other non-$HOME directory) to be able to unmount $HOME.

    cd /tmp
    sudo umount /home/$USER
  4. Delete the old home folder

    sudo rm -rf /home/$USER
  5. Remove encrytion program file

    sudo rm -rf /home/$USER.backup/.ecryptfs
  6. Remove encryption utillities from the system

    sudo apt-get remove ecryptfs-utils libecryptfs0
  7. Restore unencrypted home folder back to it original path

    sudo mv /home/$USER.backup /home/$USER
  8. Change ownership of the restored folder back to your user

    sudo chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) /home/$USER
  9. Logout/Login, to be sure all user stuff gets restarted right (or that errors will occur while you remember what you're done).