SD card operations from multiple user accounts?

To mount SD card at startup for all users, we need an entry in the fstab file. What is happening presently is, the SD card is getting mounted for the user who logs in which gives access permissions to only that user. By adding an entry in the fstab, the SD card will be mounted by root with access to all users. this r/w access can be controlled later on.

sudo blkid lists down all partitions(including of your SD card) available on your system. Note down the UUID of the partition that you want to mount at boot.

now create a folder, for example sudo mkdir /media/ExtSD01. This is the folder where your SD card partition will be mounted at. This folder will be owned by root. To give other users permission to r/w into this folder we need to give the proper permissions. so chmod -R 777 /media/ExtSD01 would be good enough. Now you need to edit your fstab file. to do so, type the following command.

sudo nano /etc/fstab

go to the bottom of the file and add the following line there.

UUID='enter your UUID here' /media/ExtSD01/     auto,user,rw 0 0

Reboot system and you should be good to go.