R define dimensions of empty data frame

Solution 1:

Would a dataframe of NAs work? something like:

data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = 2, ncol = 3))

if you need to be more specific about the data type then may prefer: NA_integer_, NA_real_, NA_complex_, or NA_character_ instead of just NA which is logical

Something else that may be more specific that the NAs is:

data.frame(matrix(vector(mode = 'numeric',length = 6), nrow = 2, ncol = 3))

where the mode can be of any type. See ?vector

Solution 2:

Just create a data frame of empty vectors:

collect1 <- data.frame(id = character(0), max1 = numeric(0), max2 = numeric(0))

But if you know how many rows you're going to have in advance, you should just create the data frame with that many rows to start with.

Solution 3:

You can do something like:

N <- 10
collect1 <- data.frame(id   = integer(N),
                       max1 = numeric(N),
                       min1 = numeric(N))

Now be careful that in the rest of your code, you forgot to use the row index for filling the data.frame row by row. It should be:

for(i in seq_len(N)){
   collect1$id[i] <- i
   ss1 <- subset(df1, df1$id == i)
   collect1$max1[i] <- max(ss1$value)
   collect1$min1[i] <- min(ss1$value)

Finally, I would say that there are many alternatives for doing what you are trying to accomplish, some would be much more efficient and use a lot less typing. You could for example look at the aggregate function, or ddply from the plyr package.