Conditionally add RouterLink or other attribute directives to an element in Angular 2

In Angular 2 if I have an element like <button></button> how can I conditionally add an attribute directive like [routerLink]="['SomeRoute'] to it?

Or you can simply add a condition to the attribute.

<button [routerLink]="myVar ? ['/myScreen'] : []"></button>

Redirect to '/myScreen' only if myVar is true.

As far as I know, there is no straight way to do this. There are some workarounds... I used something like this:

<button *ngIf="condition" [routerLink]="['SomeRoute']"></button>
<button *ngIf="!condition"></button>

There is an similar discussion here: link

If you don't want to duplicate the element, and just want to prevent clicks depending on the condition, you could do the following:

  [style.pointer-events]="condition ? 'auto' : 'none'" 