TwitteR, ROAuth and Windows: register OK, but certificate verify failed

Solution 1:

I had received the error you described above in the past, but this has worked for me.

## ON windows, we need to dowload the certificate for OAUTH
## NOTE:  you will need to setup an app on Twitter
## <- get your KEY/SECRET

## Load packages


## set the directory

## Windows users need to get this file
download.file(url="", destfile="cacert.pem")

## Authenticate with Twitter

## authenticate with the API
## requires that you have registered an app
KEY <- "KEY"

## create an object that will save the authenticated onbject -- we can for later sessions
## will need to navigate to website and type in data to generate the file
## NOTE:  Only need to do this part once!!!
cred <- OAuthFactory$new(consumerKey = KEY, 
    consumerSecret = SECRET,
    requestURL = "", 
    accessURL = "", 
    authURL = "")

## load the cred object in later sessions and simply pass to the registerTwitterOAuth
## After this file is saved, you only need to load the cred object back into memory
save(cred, file="twitter authentication.Rdata")

## Authenticate with Twitter = this is an important peice of code

## lets test out what our session limits look like
rate.limit <- getCurRateLimitInfo()

## If return 350, Authenticated session = more API calls allowed / hour

Solution 2:


Error in function (type, msg, asError = TRUE)  : 
  SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details:
error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
[1] 2752

Every get/update action needs a cainfo="cacert.pem" append behind. That annoy.

Solution 3:

UPDATE This was an interim solution, see @flz's answer and my edited question for the final solution.

Since I posted the question I've been using this simple loop as a workaround (proper solutions are still welcome!). It's going to take a long time, but at least it'll give me the data. Perhaps someone else will find it useful also.

# load library
# Search Twitter for your term
s <- searchTwitter('#rstats', n=1500) 
# convert search results to a data frame
df <-"rbind", lapply(s, 
# extract the usernames
users <- unique(df$screenName)
users <- sapply(users, as.character)
# make a data frame for the loop to work with 
users.df <- data.frame(users = users, 
                       followers = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# loop to populate users$followers with follower 
# count obtained from Twitter API
for (i in 1:nrow(users.df)) 
    # tell the loop to skip a user if their account is protected 
    # or some other error occurs  
    result <- try(getUser(users.df$users[i])$followersCount, silent = TRUE);
    if(class(result) == "try-error") next;
    # get the number of followers for each user
    users.df$followers[i] <- getUser(users.df$users[i])$followersCount
    # tell the loop to pause for 60 s between iterations to 
    # avoid exceeding the Twitter API request limit
    print('Sleeping for 60 seconds...')
# Now inspect users.df to see the follower data