How can I start a minecart from a dead stop in the middle of a flat track (using redstone)

Creating minecart terminal stations are simple, but building minecart substations are more challenging. When a minecart is stopped either by running out of velocity or through a powered redstone brake, how can the cart be restarted?

There are obvious solutions to this such as set a solid block behind the cart and power the powered redstone rail, but this doesn't work if the cart is in the middle of a track. You can also put the minecart on a slope with a powered redstone brake and apply power, but this requires the cart to sit on a slope - which is awkward for a player to get into and out of.

So on a flat surface in the middle of a track, how do you get a minecart moving again?

Use two pistons, one on either side of the track, when you press the button to start the cart, one piston pushes a block into the track behind your cart, then trigger the powered track. Then the first piston retracts and the second one triggers, pushing the track back into place. Let me know if you need further explanation.

Alright I messed around, and an idea immediately hit me. Since I suck at explaining anything here is a picture.enter image description here

As you can see I have the Minecart on a track of Power Rail connected to a Lever which also connects to a Sticky Piston with a Dirt Block on it. You have to be in the Minecart for this to work, it works kind of weird, so I suggest messing with it a bit since it made me go backwards for some reason. Sorry its a simple build and a bit of an eye sore but i'm sure you can turn it into something better, if not let me know i'll work with it a bit.