MathType and LibreOffice Math comparison

In my office my team and I are going to type texts in the future which will include mathematical signs. Two programs are being proposed: LibreOffice Writer + Math or Microsoft Office + MathType.

I would like to advocate for the first solution, but I need to know what technical advantages and disadvantages each program has. Compatibility with Ubuntu is an evident and important characteristic for LibreOffice, but could you give some other aspects? As a side question, do you advice any other program, even if not WYSIWYG and thus not my preference in this case?

Sorry for providing question instead answer and slightly hijacking, but why is choice limited to LibreOffice Writer?
There are just too many ways on Linux AFAIK to include math notation in a document.

One familiar and light option would be AbiWord, which accepts LaTeX notation and editing:

enter image description here

Other tool (abandoned unfortunately, which I compile from source) that offers LaTeX transcript in many formats through simple drag&drop functionality is ekee:

enter image description here

Hope this post is useful

I am a scientist in computational fluid mechanics and I use both: MS Office with Microsoft Equation 3.0 at one of my computers at home, and Libre Office on Ubuntu at work, and at one of my home desktops. And I have never met any difficulties in creating and editing any (even quite complicated) equations. Additionally Ubuntu and Libre are free. But really I am very satisfied with both solutions.