Internal microphone not working in Google talk

My laptop is Lenovo T400, which has an internal microphone. My OS is Ubuntu 10.10. My browser is Firefox 11.0.

The internal microphone works fine, because I can use it to record my voice using Audaciy.

However, in Google talk, I have choose "Internal Audio Analog Stereo" in "Settings -> Voice and video chat -> Microphone:". But when I click "Verify your settings", it doesn't work. Neither can I speak to others using Google Talk. I wonder why?

Thanks and regards!

Solution 1:

You may need to check your sound settings using the Ubuntu System Settings - ensure you device shows up. You would look under the Input Tab.

enter image description here

If it says Analog Microphone like mine does you will need to change it to 'Internal Microphone'. You may also have to uncheck 'mute' or increase the input volume.