I can't find a setting to disable WINS in Network settings

In my Network settings under WINS I have the NetBios name (elly) that I would like to disable (kill).

The message shows that the "elly"is currently been used ?

By whom, for what ?

There a bunch of messages in the Console with for example elly.local WindowServer ?? what server ? I do not have one ?

My search on Google and here did not help.

I tried deleting the NetBios name, but it comes back!

Also tried the without success!

sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.netbiosd.plist

I have no local network, nor any workgroup set up, just a lone wifi connection to the world.

Running Hostname in Terminal shows "Elly.Local"

I would not mind using Terminal to kill it, but I'm just wondering whether there's any UI-based way to just turn off all of this stuff. I am not a big fan of running services I'm not using.

MBA 10.8.4

Solution 1:

I didn't find any way through the GUI (on Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan & Sierra).

On the other hand the following receipe is stopping netbiosd. In a Terminal or an xterm type:

% ps ax | grep [/]netbios
  122   ??  SNs    1:52.41 /usr/sbin/netbiosd
% /usr/bin/sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.netbiosd.plist
% ps ax | grep [/]netbios

The second ps command shouldn't output anything. This is normal and means that there isn't anymore any netbiosd running.

Another way to check that netbiosd isn't anymore chating continuously on all your network interfaces is to use tcpdump for a full 5 minutes:

% /usr/bin/sudo tcpdump -i en0 host elly.local udp port netbios-ns
0 packets captured
nnnnnn packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel
% /usr/bin/sudo tcpdump -i en1 host elly.local udp port netbios-ns
0 packets captured
mmmmmm packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

These 2 commands should say exactly 0 packets captured otherwise something is leaking.