How to easily save all open Safari tabs on iOS?

On macOS, I can choose Add Bookmarks for These 108 Tabs... which let's me save all open tabs to a bookmarks folder.

Is there an equivalent on iOS?

My workaround is to use iCloud tabs to copy the tabs from iOS to macOS and then do the above.

edit: as of iOS 13 this function is built in. See answer below.

According to MacRumors, this functionality is coming in Safari 13, which will be released with iOS 13, presumably some time this autumn. So if your iOS version is 13 or higher, long-press on the bookmark icon at the bottom of the Safari window and select “Add bookmarks for [x] tabs”.

You can find the cloud tabs in ~/Library/Safari/CloudTabs.db. Copy this file to some unrestricted location, like Downloads. Use ‘DB Browser for SQLite’ to open the file.

With the following query you'll get your devices:

select * from cloud_tab_devices

Copy the device_uuid for the iOS device you want to save.

Using this you can run the next query to get a list of the tabs:

select url from cloud_tabs where device_uuid='...'


Not sure but maybe with "Workflow" app ? But I really don't think that that's a thing on iOS. Consider submitting a feedback for it so it might get included one day.

September 2019:

As of iOS 13 you can add all the open tabs in bookmark, here is a screenshot of safari I just did

iOS 13 safari update, allows all tabs to be added as bookmarks