Not enough memory to load specified image

Solution 1:

Two possibilities -

1) Puppy is not running 64bit

2) Puppy has smaller memory footprint

I see that this problem has been around for years, the only convincing solution so far is to disable "Memory hole" the BIOS setting. The rest of us who do not have this option seems pretty much stuck.

Solution 2:

As per suggestion from this article, adding a mem parameter resolved my issue.


You should try to append the boot parameter mem=1952M or other values to the boot parameters (pressing TAB key in the first boot menu). This parameter tells the kernel how much memory your computer has, sometimes the BIOS does not provide the correct number, so you need to specify it.

Note: this option doesn’t always work on the first try, so you may need to play with different values, like 1024M (even if you have 4G), 512M, 2G, etc…