Is there away to move between workspaces using trackpad?

I want to move to other workspaces using trackpad. How can I do that?

Not sure it's possible with the stock software. MagicPrefs and Better Touch Tool let you define trackpad gestures to do pretty much anything, including mapping them to the key sequences for switching between spaces (by default Cmd + arrow keys).

The best "vanilla" solution I'm aware of is the following:

Go to System Preferences > Exposé & Spaces (Exposé tab) > Active Screen Corners and set one up as "Spaces".

Then when you quickly move your mouse into that corner it will bring up all available workspaces, and you can click the one you want.

Warp was designed just for that:

Warp is a preference pane that allows you to use the mouse to switch between Spaces rather than using the keyboard.

Warp offers the ability to display a live preview of a space when you move the mouse to the edge of the screen, allowing you to see what you have on another space before actually switching to it. Clicking the preview will then warp you to that space. (Enable this feature by checking the option "Click screen edge to Warp" in Warp's preference pane)