Can't open desktop folders by double-clicking on Ubuntu 17.10

When I try to open folders (and the trash can) by double-clicking on them on the desktop nothing happens. However, when I right-click on the folder, select "Open with another application", and then select Nautilus it opens normally. I think that it has something to do with the default file manager maybe? (I can open other files that aren't folders normally)

Solution 1:

My system is Ubuntu 17.10.

I just had this problem 5 mins ago. Here is my solution.

Just install gnome-tweak

sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool

Then turn off and turn on some of the options in the Desktop. Like show icons turn on and turn off. Then it seems like things are refreshed and everything works again!

Click here

Solution 2:

Reinstalling nautilus did not resolve the issue. I tried many other things like resetting dconf and reinstalling gnome-tweak-tool etc but nothing helped. In my case, the issue was due to FileManager dbus service residue from another desktop which I assume might be interfering with the default desktop.

Steps to fix this issue:

# 1. Look for the residue:
cd /usr/share/dbus-1/services
ls | grep File

# 2. you will get something like:

# 3. delete the unused file manager service
sudo rm -f org.mate.freedesktop.FileManager1.service

To know whether you have the same issue you can:
1. terminate nautilus-desktop run it again in the terminal. (this way you can see logs from the nautilus service) 2. Try to open any folder present on your desktop and look for the error : cannot open folder on desktop, freedesktop bus not ready
3. If you see this its exactly the same issue and can be resolved by the above mentioned steps to fix.

Issue: error: cannot open folder on desktop, freedesktop bus not ready

Solution 3:

The best solution which worked for me was to use the following terminal commands:

sudo apt-get purge   nautilus  
sudo apt-get install nautilus
nautilus --check

Solution 4:

I went into my settings, selected Universal Settings, and at the bottom changed my Double-Click delay back to the original delay speed. It was the only solution to work for me. I was having the same problem, but running version 18.04. seen here

I hope this helps others!