How to enter password only once in a bash script needing sudo


  • I want operator users on this machine to mount their own cifs shares
  • The sudoers file already contains the /bin/mount -t cifs //*/* /media/* -o username=* command for all operators
  • I want the users to mount a cifs share through a script typing the password only once, not twice.
  • The sudo password and the cifs password are identical.

What I already have

This script works:

sudo 'mount -t cifs // /media/$USER/home -o username=$USER'

...but it requires the users to type the same password twice!

  • Once for sudo
  • Once for the mount itself

This would also work:

echo -n Password: 
read -s szPassword
echo $szPassword | sudo -S sh -c 'echo $szPassword | mount -t cifs // /media/$USER/home -o username=$USER'

...but this would require me to allow all operator users to be able to sudo sh (major security problem)


How to mount a cifs share in bash¹ without putting sh in the sudoers file nor creating a permanent/temporary file???

Note 1: no python, perl, C, Go, ... please?
Note 2: I know I can just remove the password through the sudoers file, but I'm trying to tighten security, not loosen it, without giving up convenience...

Solution 1:

You should instead make the user do the call of using sudo as sudo script. just check if the script is being run as root, if not ask for it

if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
   echo "This script must be run as root, use sudo "$0" instead" 1>&2
   exit 1

Don't try to capture the password of your users.

Solution 2:

I'm dumb!

The following script:

read -p "Password: " -s szPassword
printf "%s\n" "$szPassword" | sudo --stdin mount -t cifs // /media/$USER/home -o username=$USER,password="$szPassword"

just works and:

  1. Doesn't create any files containing passwords
  2. Allows the user to type only one password for multiple shares (including Windows ones)
  3. Has no need for extra privileges to be granted. :-)