lenovo e540 RTL8723be wifi not working

Solution 1:

The system natively includes the driver rtl8723be. We need to troubleshoot the native driver. Before we do so, please uninstall the two drivers you installed that caused kernel panics. Follow the process you followed previously for both, except instead of make and sudo make install, do sudo make uninstall.

Then do:

gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

Use nano or kate or leafpad if you don't have the text editor gedit. Remove the line: blacklist rtl8723be. Proofread carefully, save and close the text editor.

Now do:

sudo modprobe rtl8723be swenc=1
sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off

Is your wireless working better now? If so, we'll amend a couple of files and make it permanent.

It appears that, somehow, the rtl8723be was deleted in the process of trying two replacements that failed by causing kernel panics. Let's try to reinstall the current linux-image. With a working internet connection:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-$(uname -r)

After it's done, retry the steps above.

Solution 2:

I've resolved that on my Lenovo Flex2 with Ubuntu 14.10, installing the new driver from https://github.com/lwfinger/rtlwifi_new. It seems to have solved my problems, don't forget to reboot Ubuntu.


After to unzip that run the following command to install the new drive

$: make $: sudo make install

reboot the OS.

note: we've to run the same procedure every time we want to upgrade our Ubuntu with a new kernel

note2: in Ubuntu 15.04 is not necessary to make that