Finding a missing Dll on Windows Server Core in Docker

I am attempting to build a console application in a Windows Docker container using Windows Server Core, as per these instructions from Microsoft.

The problem I am having is that, when run on the container, the application exits without an error message. I suspect that this is due to a missing system Dll on Windows Server Core, but unlike on Windows Desktop there is no application popup to identify the missing dll. Nor is there anything in the System log.

What else can I do to trouble shoot the issue?

Solution 1:

Worked for me (see more detailed explanation here

  1. Azure VM Windows server Core
  2. Install Procmon and filter your process via iwr download.
  3. Put your zip in to Azure BLOB and downlaod via SAS url and tar expand if archieve
  4. Start your process.
  5. Search fail/error entries.
  6. Prey your missing DLL is not UI dll. Because VM Windows Core has UI, while docker version seems like not.