How can I change the purple background color of the lock screen on Ubuntu 17.10?

Solution 1:

From these steps here, you can change both the image and the background colour:

  1. Move your favorite image to /usr/share/backgrounds:

    • It's better to move the image you want to set as login background to system pictures folder: /usr/share/backgrounds. To do so, open terminal via Ctrl+Alt+T, then either run command:

      sudo cp /PATH/TO/IMAGE /usr/share/backgrounds/
  2. Edit the css file that define GDM login background:

    • Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command to edit file /etc/alternatives/gdm3.css, which is linked to /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/gdm3.css:

      # Make backup first before editing
      sudo cp /etc/alternatives/gdm3.css /etc/alternatives/gdm3.css.bakup
      sudo nano /etc/alternatives/gdm3.css

      enter image description here

  3. When the file opens, go to menu (right after ‘Save’ button) -> find and find out following section:

    #lockDialogGroup {
      background: #2c001e url(resource:///org/gnome/shell/theme/noise-texture.png);
      background-repeat: repeat; }

    change the lines into:

    #lockDialogGroup {
       background: #000000 url(file:///usr/share/backgrounds/Aardvark_Wallpaper_Grey_4096x2304.png);
       background-repeat: no-repeat;
       background-size: cover;
       background-position: center; }

    Replace Aardvark_Wallpaper_Grey_4096x2304.png with your picture file name, and or change the hex colour code ##2c001e to the color of your choice.Here I used black.

    enter image description here

Lockscreen background:

enter image description here

Note: Backup all files before changing them

Solution 2:

Run: sudo update-alternatives --config gdm3.css and choose the option 1 (or the one with the path to gnome-shell.css file) as seen below:


Reboot and Ok, you're good to go.

Solution 3:

In a shell, type:

sudo update-alternatives --config gdm3.css

You will get a screen asking for alternative gdm3.css. Select the one with gnome-shell.css.

For example mine is