Specifying columns in Azure Log Analytics query

In the Azure Kusto query system, I can add columns by manually typing them in using project :

| project TimeGenerated, httpMethod_s

or by selecting them with the "columns" button:

enter image description here

But when I select the columns I want visually, the query does not get updated and if I save the query, the choice of columns is not saved.

How can I update the query text to include the columns I've just selected?

Solution 1:

You have to specify the columns you want in the query, like I have done on the last line below.

| where ResourceProvider =="MICROSOFT.DBFORPOSTGRESQL" 
| where Category == "PostgreSQLLogs"
and not (Message contains "connection")
and not (Message contains "does not exist") 
 | sort by TimeGenerated desc
 | project TimeGenerated, Message