How to map Command key to Control key when using iTerm

I already mapped "Caps Lock" key to "Command" key using System Prefrences of macOS, as I use "Command" key frequently when using most application.

When using iTerm2, I use "Control" key at most time. Is it possible to map "Command" key (actually the "Caps Lock" key in keyboard) to "Control" when using iTerm2?

Update: **From iTerm2 Preferences > Keys > Remap Modifiers, remap Control to

Left Command, Left Command and Right Command to Control worked for me**.

I am having the very same problem. Only thing I found out is that in iTerm2 you can change the modifier keys. Unfortunately, CapsLock is not among the ones that you can change.

So an alternative is to map CapsLock to Command in the system settings and then in iTerm2 map Left Command to Control. Unfortunately, that changes both the CapsLock AND the Command key. So it's not perfect.