Create a bash alias for several commands, some requiring sudo [duplicate]

I know there is lots of information on this around, but I still find it confusing. Please help me with this quick one liner.

What do I need to write and where to make this a permanent feature of my system?

This is the command:

sudo apt update &&\
sudo apt upgrade -y &&\
sudo flatpak update &&\
conda upgrade --all -y

Maybe call it with sudo updateall

Slight digression: I asked a question about upgrade appimage and snap a while ago. There exists appimagehub but it pooly supported at the current time and snap by design updates without user involvement and there is no way to change this I believe. The others here can be manually updated.

Solution 1:

In your .bashrc using vim ~/.bashrc add:

makealias() { echo "alias $1"="'${@:2}'" >> ~/.bashrc; }

Next time you want to add a bash alias just type in the terminal:

makealias name command

example: makealias brc vim ~/.bashrc


This method does works with sudo, &&, || and other operators like ; if you enclose them in single quotes when making the alias.

Example: makealias updateall sudo apt-get update '&&' sudo apt-get upgrade

Do yourself a favor and use ; instead of &&, that is good practice.