How to add persistent IP routes in Ubuntu 20.04 server

Solution 1:

  1. Hello mate, i cannot comment so i will try to answer here.
  2. There are few options to create a scheduled process to solve that problem.
  3. Here are two options:
    • crontab - wich is less fitting your problem.
    • making a service - wich is fitting your problem perfectly.
    • there might be more and a better ways to solve that problem.
  4. About crontab:
    • The crontab is a list of commands that you want to run on a regular schedule.
    • To add a command you want to schedule run you have to edit the crontab file with the command crontab -e.
    • you can use this site to help you calculate the interval you want to execute a specific command crontabCalculator
    • you can use this guide to figure your own crontab file crontabGuide
  5. The better option for my opinion is to create your own service.
    • when you create a service you can run it just as all the other services, that means that you can enable, disable, restart, start and all other options that coming with systemctl command.
    • you have to create your service as a text file and name it myServiceName.service.
    • then you have to locate that service in /etc/systemd/system/.
    • use this guide to have a service template howToMakeAServiceGuide.
    • after creating the service and locating him in the specific directory you can enable and start him by this commands: systemctl enable serviceName.service and systemctl start serviceName.service.
    • the service should start on any reboot so it might solve your problem.
  6. Edited after comments.
    • create a script with sudo nano /usr/local/sbin/
    • example for a script with your commands:
    • #/bin/bash!
    • ip rule add from table 128
    • ip route add table 128 dev eno0
    • ip route add table 128 default via
    • now give the script a execute permissions with chmod a+x
    • now create a service with sudo nano /systemd/system/SERVICE_NAME.service
    • use that template: in the ExecStart field execute your script
Description=ROT13 demo service

  1. Edited after comments two:
  2. To make sure your service is configured correctly follow this steps:
    • locate the service in /etc/systemd/system/LOCATE_HERE.service
    • give your script that running by the service the execute permission with sudo chmod a+x
    • execute the command sudo systemctl daemon-reload to reload the new service.
    • execute the command sudo systemctl enable serviceName.service
    • execute the command sudo systemctl start serviceName.service
    • execute the command sudo systemctl status serviceName.service
    • if the service is running reboot your system.
    • after the reboot execute the command sudo systemctl status serviceName.service to check if the service is running.
    • images:
    • serviceExampleThatWorksForMe
    • howToStartTheServiceCommands
    • if all that solution is not working there might be a problem with the file type - check for solution here solutionForFileTypeError