How to update a pull request from forked repo?

So I first forked a repo and then made a commit to that forked repo. I then opened a pull request. The pull request listed all the changes I wanted.

After reviewing my pull request, there were a number of changes that the repo owner wanted me to make before he accepted it. I have made those changes in my fork, now how do I update the pull request with those changes (or is this not how I should handle it)?

You have done it correctly. The pull request will automatically update. The process is:

  1. Open pull request
  2. Commit changes based on feedback in your local repo
  3. Push to the relevant branch of your fork

The pull request will automatically add the new commits to the Commits tab of the PR.

Updating a pull request in GitHub is as easy as committing the wanted changes into existing branch (that was used with pull request), but often it is also wanted to squash the changes into single commit:

git checkout yourbranch
git rebase -i origin/master

# Edit command names accordingly
  pick   1fc6c95 My pull request
  squash 6b2481b Hack hack - will be discarded
  squash dd1475d Also discarded

git push -f origin yourbranch

...and now the pull request contains only one commit.

Related links about rebasing:

  • Squash all my commits into one for GitHub pull request