Find the lowest height and lowest width among all images in a directory

How can I get the lowest height out of all heights and also the lowest width out of all widths given I have about 50k images?

I tried this command, but it only gives the width and height of an image:

identify -format '%w %h' 72028059_11.jpg
600 431

I also got this from IRC Linux channel, but, because I have 50k images, it takes forever to output any result:

find -type f -name \*.jpg -exec identify -format '%w %h %d/%f\n' {} \; | sort -n -k2

Getting the image with min height and width

I don't have any comparing statistics, but I have reasons to believe the script below offers a relatively good option, since:

  • python's PIL does not load the image into memory when calling .open
  • The script itself does not store the list of all files, it simply looks per file if the next one has a smaller height or width.

The script

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from PIL import Image
import os
import sys

path = sys.argv[1]
# set an initial value which no image will meet
minw = 10000000
minh = 10000000

for image in os.listdir(path):
    # get the image height & width
    image_location = os.path.join(path, image)
    im =
    data = im.size
    # if the width is lower than the last image, we have a new "winner"
    w = data[0]
    if w < minw:
        newminw = w, image_location
        minw = w
    # if the height is lower than the last image, we have a new "winner"
    h = data[1]
    if h < minh:
        newminh = h, image_location
        minh = h
# finally, print the values and corresponding files
print("minwidth", newminw)
print("minheight", newminh)

How to use

  1. Copy the script into an empty file, save it as
  2. Run it with the directory of images as argument:

    python3 /path/to/ /path/to/imagefolder

Output like:

minwidth (520, '/home/jacob/Desktop/caravan/IMG_20171007_104917.jpg')
minheight (674, '/home/jacob/Desktop/caravan/butsen1.jpg')


The script assumes the image folder is a "flat" directory with (only) images. If that is not the case, a few lines need to be added, just mention.