Is battery life supposed to go not even a year?

I have a MacBook pro that I got about 10 months ago. It seems like I am already starting to experience battery life issues. I have a charge cycle history of less than once a day since I bought it. I first thought it was too much stuff running in the background, so I put a fresh copy of Ubuntu on it to test that out. It still seems to have a bad life. At full charge, 50% brightness, the battery says 3 hours remaining, but then after a few minutes, it goes to 2 and I get an average of about 2.5 hours. I have appleCare. Is there a problem, or is time just going faster for me and the battery is normally like this? I think the battery said it usually has a good 5 years, and it hasn't been 1 for me. The battery indicator on status bar also never says 100%, and is usually stuck at 95-99 when the green light indicates full. Is this normal? Or do I have a bad battery? Is there a way to test my battery properly?

Here is what the power stats say

enter image description here

There is detailed information available about your battery.

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In the Health information it shows how many cycles you had so far. I have 142 cycles since Oct. 2012. The battery should last about 1000 cycles. If you have a problem please see Apple service.

enter image description here

Above you see some comparison data (from my MBA) Running @ 100% brightness, Mail, Firefox, Chrome, WIFI and more, consuming about 1200 mA. Unfortunately Apple does not show the remaining life as time, so you have to use a formula to calculate that, but it varies based on usage (mA).