How to mount NFS export on Mac OS X?

I have FreeBSD (test.local) box configured as NFS server. And I'm trying to mount its NFS sharing form my mac (hhmm.local)

/nfs     hhmm.local

/nfs has 777 permission.

And I checked from mac that it's working,

hhmm:~ Eonil$ showmount -e test.local
Exports list on test.local:
/nfs                           test.local
hhmm:~ Eonil$ 

But when I try to mount it,

hhmm:~ Eonil$ mount_nfs test.local:/nfs ~/nfs
mount_nfs: can't access /nfs: Permission denied
hhmm:~ Eonil$ 

Wow. I cannot figure out why this doesn't work. What should I do?

I had the same issue with mount_nfs: can't access /: Permission denied on OS X 10.6.8 and even with the resvport option it still failed however modifying the nfs server export mount to use the insecure option worked.

I solved this problem with this blog post:

Core solution was giving an option resvport on mounting option. NFS volume mounted magically!

Assume that host running NFS has shared path-


On your mac, Try:

$ sudo mount -o resvport,rw  -t nfs folder_207

Verify that contents are visible:

$ ls -ltr folder_207