Mouse on wrong display

I installed Ubuntu today and my 2 monitors were not arranged in the right way (had to move mouse on the left screen to the left to get to the right screen). However I thought to fix the problem by going into the display settings and arrange them the way I want them to. This kind of fixed the problem. But now my mouse is displayed on the wrong screen. When I see the cursor on the left screen it is actually on the right screen and the other way arround. So I see the the cursor on one screen, but the mouse registers the clicks on the other screen. I had to change the dsiplay settings back to default to solve the issue. Is there another way to fix the problem?

Solution 1:

Over 2 years later, but I just had this issue and figured maybe I could help someone in the future.

After trying a ton of different stuff, I didn't want to switch my physical monitors around, so I tried switching the spots into which my monitors were plugged into my GPU (both monitors are HDMI). This completely solved the problem for me.