Hyper-V Client Network Dropouts

Bit of a strange one I'm having that I can't work out.

The setup: Asus P8Z77-M Pro motherboard, 16GB RAM, Intel i7-3770 CPU, OCZ SSD, NVIDIA Quadro 2000 grpahics card (with RemoteFX on the client); running Windows Server 2012 Standard on bare metal with Hyper-V. One Windows Server 2012 Standard Domain Controller, one Windows 8 Enterprise client with 4GB of RAM allocated, and 1 virtual CPU.

Everything is running pretty well on the test client, except that every 1-5 minutes there is a network dropout on the local ethernet interface (on the client) that stops all connectivity. Typing catches up after this dropout is over.

Network Dropout on right hand side

Is this the network interface on the motherboard having a heart attack? Or am I doing something wrong? When testing flash videos on the client, the dropouts are more regular - even when playing local videos.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Solution 1:

Thank you to MikeAWood - it was a NIC driver. I had forgotten to update the network card drivers, as Microsoft installed the default ones and I didn't "need" to straight away.