Windows 10 forgets mapped drive's credentials after reboot

Why Windows 10 forgets mapped drive's credentials after reboot and how to fix it? I've seen some solutions but none of them was a fix for my problem. thanks.

Use credential manager in Windows to remember the username and password for your Drive if it doesnt remember it automatically.

Go to Start Control Panel User Accounts and Family Safety Credential Manager

On the right hand side, right below where it says "Windows Credentials" Select "Add a Windows Credential".

Enter your Server name or IP in the first box.

User Name in the second box and your password for the server in the third box.

source:Microsoft Answers Feedback Forum

  1. Win+R
  2. cmd
  3. enter
  4. net use <drive letter>: \\servername\sharename /persistent:yes

Don't use an administrator command prompt. A regular command prompt is best.

Thanks to @charlesh above.

I could not get the drive mapping to save when I used the utility provided by the NAS manufacturer, but this worked instead.

I was having this problem with a Windows Server contacting an Azure file share. To fix it, I:

  1. Deleted the file share using net use W: /d
  2. Deleted its entry in Windows Credentials
  3. Reestablished the connection using File Exporer, ticking Reconnect at Sign-In and Remember my credentials (when entering the password).