Subtitles in VLC are displayed as question marks
Solution 1:
I have solved it by changing the file encoding using NotePad:
- Open the srt file in notepad
- File -> Save As...
- Change the encoding in the combo box near the "save" button below to "Unicode"
- Save the file (Replace the existing one)
And now the hebrew subtitles are displayed correctly.
Solution 2:
The problem should arise from subtitle character set encoding.
Go to Tools > Preferences (CTRL +P) and select Subtitles & OSD from the left pane. Now change the Default Encoding to Hebrew (Windows-1255) and you're done.
Solution 3:
The below solution Worked on a Mac.
- Open the .srt file with Firefox web browser (FILE --> Open File...)
- Now you should see in the browser window the subtitles text with chinese characters instead of Greek
- From VIEW --> Character Encoding... select GREEK ISO encoding. Now magically the text in the browser window is displayed correctly with all the Greek characters
- Select ALL text from browser window and COPY --> PASTE to a simple text editor. You should see now the text in greek in the text editor application window.
- Save the file as plain text (.txt) in the location that you have the original subtitles.
- Rename the .txt file to .srt in order to be recognized from your media player (I use VLC). Just make sure that the whole name of your new .srt file you just created does not conflict with the previous file (you should rename your older file in order to let you rename the new file with the name you want).
That's it, now it should work and display properly the Greek subtitles.