How to change the default editor for PNG files from MS Paint to in Windows 10?

I have installed in my Windows 10 Pro. When I right-click a PNG file in the Windows Explorer, I see the Edit command. However, it opens the Windows Paint app, and I'd like to change it to Is there a way to assign as the default editor for PNG files using a system applet?

Also, as I know, this is a question of registry settings, and the following key should contain the full path to the editor:


In my registry the (Default) value in this key is set to

"C:\Program Files\\PaintDotNet.exe" "%1"

, but the MS Paint is opened in any case.

Solution 1:

I solved my problem by myself. First I decided to find all registry values containing "mspaint.exe" to try to replace the path to MS Paint with what I need. One of the interesting keys I found was this:


Googled it, and the first search result was this article:

How to change the default image editor program

Tried it, and it works! We just need to change the default value of that key to the string

"C:\Program Files\\PaintDotNet.exe" "%1"