What is this RunDll32 instance running?

I stumbled upon an instance of rundll32 while checking on the running processes on my windows 10 box.

This is the command line that started it according to Process Explorer:

C:\Windows\system32\rundll32.exe -localserver 22d8c27b-47a1-48d1-ad08-7da7abd79617

What does it mean? I tried researching this but found nothing.

Is it good/normal? Should I kill it and investigate further?

Solution 1:

I have found the origin of this process. It is quite simple and kinda dumb.

When you play a video (be it youtube or vlc or whatever), and you change the volume using a keyboard shortcut you see this:


This is what the process does, right here. If you do a fresh reboot, and change the volume while watching a video, the process will appear right as the slider with the video title appears. And if you kill the rundll32 process, the picture on the right will disappear.

I was driven crazy trying to find what the hell this rundll32 could be, and the answer made me feel dumb for having tried in the first place

Solution 2:

According to someone over at MSDN it is a part of windows called the "Process Profiling Performance Analysis Program (Windows Performance Counter Program)"
