Ubuntu 17.10 GDM Auto-Login not working

I have selected the setting 'Automatic Login' from within the default Gnome 3 Ubuntu 17.10 control panel app, but it keeps resetting to 'off' after every restart and does not allow me to automatically login.

Any ideas?

I had to force the loging screen to use xorg and not wayland (not yet supported by nvidia drivers).

Edit as root the file /etc/gdm3/custom.conf.

sudo nano /etc/gdm3/custom.conf

Change the line




I think i've found the problem, try to edit /etc/gdm3/custom.conf and write AutomaticLoginEnable=true instead of AutomaticLoginEnable=True in my case

(full lowercase for the word "true")

or uncomment this line if it is...

Same issue. I've originally changed the "/etc/gdm3/custom.conf" and simply enabled the "AutomaticLoginEnable=True". This was the whole issue: I didn't notice that "True" has to be lowercase.

EDIT: I was wrong. My autologin works because I'm NOT using the gnome-xorg (the default option for ubuntu) but the gnome classic session. I can't manage to get the gnome-xorg session to work properly unless I setup a timedlogin which is a little unpleasant.

EDIT 2: Ok, I finally got enough of this issue, since it's getting ignored. To solve my issue, since I don't care the least about gdm but I still want to use chrome, I've installed lightdm and changed the autologin in the user settings.

In other words:

sudo apt install lightdm

followed by the usual change in the user settings for the autologin.

For those who are desperate because it continues failing and failing despite using x11 and writing the proper configuration, are you using a docking station? I figured that under X11, the docking station forces a login: it doesn't load the gdm automatic login settings. Surely a bug. A workaround is to use the following config instead at /etc/gdm/custom.conf below the [daemon] section:


It's not as handy as using Automatic Login but at least it works. You can indeed keep the AutomaticLogin configs if that's already there, those will be loaded and used whenever the docking station is not plugged. It's interesting to notice that Wayland behaves differently: AutomaticLogin does work with Wayland + docking station, but not with X11. If you choose Wayland, beware that Wayland does not support the "share screen" button in many common video-call softwares.

EDIT: add some precisions following commentary.