Keyboard layout isn't kept upon reboot [closed]

Solution 1:

Found a solution for me.

Keyboard configuration

On terminal:

$ # If dconf-editor is not already installed
$ sudo apt-get install dconf-editor
$ dconf-editor

When the program opens do the following:

  • navigate to desktop.ibus.general enter image description here
  • remove 'xkb:us::eng' from both engines-order and preload-engines enter image description here

Works for me on Brazilian Portuguese, hope that works for you.

Solution 2:

Looks to be a known Bug in 14.04.

What you can try is reconfiguring the keyboard data via the Terminal.

sudo dpkg-reconfigure xkb-data

Click on the Keyboard Icon on the top and select your keyboard.

I know this is a hit or miss solution and I’ll keep searching for that article that references these steps to see if others have had success.


I Located the article i was thinking of - keyboard layout EN after boot