How do I remove trash icon from GNOME desktop?

How do I remove the "Trash" icon from GNOME 3 desktop? I'm running Ubuntu 17.10 with GNOME shell.

Up to Ubuntu 18.10

You may use (GNOME) Tweaks (aka GNOME Tweak Tool) to do that. First install it (if it is not installed) by running the following command in Terminal

sudo apt install gnome-tweaks


sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool

Launch Tweaks and go to Desktop section. Then toggle off (or uncheck) the Trash (or Rubbish bin or Wastebasket) option under "Icons on Desktop".

enter image description here

Alternatively you may run the following command in Terminal:

gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.desktop trash-icon-visible false

After following Exien's answer on Ubuntu 20.04, the GUI became extremely slow and unresponsive. I had to reinstall Ubuntu even after reverting the value to true which did not fix the problem it generates.

In Ubuntu 20.04

It is actually easy:

  1. Search for Extensions (preinstalled) in the Activities overview.

    Search for Extensions (comes installed ready)

  2. Click on the Settings gear icon next to the Desktop Icons toggle

    Click on the settings gear icon next to the Desktop Icons toggle

  3. Toggle icons as required

    Toggle icons as required

Ubuntu 19.04 and later

The following terminal command works:

gsettings set show-trash false