How to install development version of R packages github repository

How can I install a package that is under development directly from a github repository and once installed how can I switch between development and CRAN versions?

The specific package I am interested in installing from git is ggplot2.

via Hadley at





# use dev ggplot2 now

# when finished do:

dev_mode(on=F)  #and you are back to having stable ggplot2

I have the feeling that both previous answers miss the point of your question.

Consider this:

  • You can control where to install packages via arguments to both R CMD INSTALL (via -l) and install.packages().

  • At run-time, you can control where to load packages from via .libPaths().

So it really is just a matter of setting a few variables in your .Rprofile (or alike) to control this.

for compile binaries install:

install.packages('xxx', repo='http://repo_adress')

for source install :

install.packages('xxx', repo='http://repo_adress', type='source')