Can supper and dinner be used interchangeably? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

The crux of your question appears to be: can the words supper and dinner be used interchangeably?

According to established dictionary definitions, the answer would seem to be yes. From Oxford English Dictionary (OED) –

supper, n.1

  1. The last meal of the day; (contextually) the time at which this is eaten, supper time.

And also from OED –

dinner, n.

The chief meal of the day, eaten originally, and still by the majority of people, about the middle of the day (cf. German Mittagsessen), but now, by the professional and fashionable classes, usually in the evening;

So, according to those definitions, if you’ve eaten your main meal of the day, which also happens to be your last meal of the day, then supper and dinner can be used interchangeably to describe that meal.