Should I use return/continue statement instead of if-else?

Solution 1:

My personal approach of choosing one is that if the body of the if part is very short (3 or 4 lines maximum), it makes sense to use the return/continue variant. If the body is long, it's harder to keep track of the control flow so I choose the else version.

As a result, normally, this approach limits the usage of return/continue style to skip some data and avoid further processing rather than process this using one of the following methods (which is better suited by if/else).

Solution 2:

The compiler will almost certainly generate the same code. Even if it didn't, the difference will be probably irrelevant. Hence, the relevant argument is certainly how people would read it.

Therefore the question is how similar "//do some stuff" and "do other stuff" are. If they are conceptually similar, use if/else. If they're conceptually different, use continue/return.

Solution 3:

The code would be more readable if termination criteria are handled first. I always prefer, checking for conditions that require a break or return rather than those that would need lengthy code execution. I prefer:

 if (termination condn) 
 // code 
 // code


if (success condn)
  // code
  // code

This makes reading and understanding the code easier.