Parsing "relaxed" JSON without eval

Solution 1:

You could sanitize the JSON using a regular expression replace:

var badJson = "{muh: 2}";
var correctJson = badJson.replace(/(['"])?([a-z0-9A-Z_]+)(['"])?:/g, '"$2": ');

Solution 2:

You already know this, since you referred me here, but I figure it might be good to document it here:

I'd long had the same desire to be able to write "relaxed" JSON that was still valid JS, so I took Douglas Crockford's eval-free json_parse.js and extended it to support ES5 features:

This module is available on npm and can be used as a drop-in replacement for the native JSON.parse() method. (Its stringify() outputs regular JSON.)

Hope this helps!

Solution 3:

This is what I ended up having to do. I extended @ArnaudWeil's answer and added support for having : appear in the values:

var badJSON = '{one : "1:1", two : { three: \'3:3\' }}';

var fixedJSON = badJSON

	// Replace ":" with "@colon@" if it's between double-quotes
	.replace(/:\s*"([^"]*)"/g, function(match, p1) {
		return ': "' + p1.replace(/:/g, '@colon@') + '"';

	// Replace ":" with "@colon@" if it's between single-quotes
	.replace(/:\s*'([^']*)'/g, function(match, p1) {
		return ': "' + p1.replace(/:/g, '@colon@') + '"';

	// Add double-quotes around any tokens before the remaining ":"
	.replace(/(['"])?([a-z0-9A-Z_]+)(['"])?\s*:/g, '"$2": ')

	// Turn "@colon@" back into ":"
	.replace(/@colon@/g, ':')

console.log('Before: ' + badJSON);
console.log('After: ' + fixedJSON);

It produces this output:

Before: {one : "1:1", two : { three: '3:3' }}
After: {"one":  "1:1", "two":  { "three":  "3:3" }}
  "one": "1:1",
  "two": {
    "three": "3:3"

Solution 4:

JSON5 looks pretty well-supported, but this relaxed-json library also looks like a good option.

Solution 5:

If you can't quote keys when writing the string, you can insert quotes before using JSON.parse-

var s= "{muh: 2,mah:3,moh:4}";
s= s.replace(/([a-z][^:]*)(?=\s*:)/g, '"$1"');

var o= JSON.parse(s);
/*  returned value:[object Object] */
/*  returned value: (String){
    "muh":2, "mah":3, "moh":4