How do I access a local network share in dolphin?

I decided to switch over to Kubuntu for a while, and I backed up my documents on a NAS connected to my local network. I was able to see it and access it in nautilus, but when I try to access it in dolphin, I see this: enter image description here

Double-clicking on any of the four options does nothing, as if I didn't double-click. How do I access my files?

I don't know why nobody ever answered to this but if you're using the SMB protocol I've got an easy solution to access your local and remote network shares.

  1. Right click on the Remote header in the Places panel on Dolphin
  2. Click on "add entry"
  3. Give it a name (something like "SMB Share")
  4. In the "location" input, type in your SMB server location (e.g.: smb://<ip_address>/folder)
  5. Choose an icon and validate

Now you should see that icon under your personal folder on the left, just click on it and you will access your network share