What's the best way to handle passwords in Ubuntu (Application + Browser PlugIn)

Solution 1:

This recipe should do the trick. It provides an open-source alternative to LastPass.

  1. Install KeePass2 (sudo apt-get install keepass2).
  2. If you have a KeePassX database (blah.kdb), convert it with the method over at http://www.maketecheasier.com/install-keepass2-on-ubuntu-natty/ as KeePass2 won't be able to open this DB natively.
  3. Install KeePassHttp using the method over at http://www.maketecheasier.com/integrate-keepass-with-browser-in-ubuntu/ to provide the integration between the desktop application and your browser.
  4. Install ChromelPass for Chromium / Google Chrome or PasslFox for FireFox / IceWeasel.

Solution 2:

The adjective "best" turns this question into opinion, but there are indeed multiple ways to do it. In KDE all passwords are saved using their own keyring program. The alternative is gnome-keyring, which does the same thing. I do not know of a browser plugin for either application, but you can set firefox to do the same thing.

Go to Edit>Preferences>Security, then check "Use a master password". The dialog for master passwords should appear.