Output each commands results into a separate file

I'm going to guess that you've figured this out by now. For others who may have a similar question, here is an answer:

@echo off
set filePrefix=C:\%Date:~10,4%-%Date:~4,2%-%Date:~7,2%%time%_
set /p guid=Please enter GUID:
start /wait Drop\Debug\Ylp.Web.CmsImportWebJob.exe /test map %guid% > %filePrefix%map.txt
start /wait Drop\Debug\Ylp.Web.CmsImportWebJob.exe /test compare %guid% > %filePrefix%compare.txt
start /wait Drop\Debug\Ylp.Web.CmsImportWebJob.exe /test analyse %guid% > %filePrefix%analyse.txt
start /wait Drop\Debug\Ylp.Web.CmsImportWebJob.exe /test update %guid% > %filePrefix%update.txt

Note that %date% and %time% may be formatted differently in different locales — %date% might or might not include the day of the week, and might possibly be dd/mm instead of mm/dd; %time% might be hh:mm:ss or something else (e.g., hh-mm-ss), possibly with fractional seconds (decimal point) — so this may need to be adjusted. The offsets into %date% (10, 4, & 7) may need to be adjusted to locate the year, month, and day. If %time% contains colons, you need to remove/replace them for Windows filenames, and the hour might have a leading space (instead of zero) between 1:00 and 9:59 AM.