How to convert floats to human-readable fractions?

Let's say we have 0.33, we need to output 1/3.
If we have 0.4, we need to output 2/5.

The idea is to make it human-readable to make the user understand "x parts out of y" as a better way of understanding data.

I know that percentages is a good substitute but I was wondering if there was a simple way to do this?

Solution 1:

I have found David Eppstein's find rational approximation to given real number C code to be exactly what you are asking for. Its based on the theory of continued fractions and very fast and fairly compact.

I have used versions of this customized for specific numerator and denominator limits.

** find rational approximation to given real number
** David Eppstein / UC Irvine / 8 Aug 1993
** With corrections from Arno Formella, May 2008
** usage: a.out r d
**   r is real number to approx
**   d is the maximum denominator allowed
** based on the theory of continued fractions
** if x = a1 + 1/(a2 + 1/(a3 + 1/(a4 + ...)))
** then best approximation is found by truncating this series
** (with some adjustments in the last term).
** Note the fraction can be recovered as the first column of the matrix
**  ( a1 1 ) ( a2 1 ) ( a3 1 ) ...
**  ( 1  0 ) ( 1  0 ) ( 1  0 )
** Instead of keeping the sequence of continued fraction terms,
** we just keep the last partial product of these matrices.

#include <stdio.h>

main(ac, av)
int ac;
char ** av;
    double atof();
    int atoi();
    void exit();

    long m[2][2];
    double x, startx;
    long maxden;
    long ai;

    /* read command line arguments */
    if (ac != 3) {
        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s r d\n",av[0]);  // AF: argument missing
    startx = x = atof(av[1]);
    maxden = atoi(av[2]);

    /* initialize matrix */
    m[0][0] = m[1][1] = 1;
    m[0][1] = m[1][0] = 0;

    /* loop finding terms until denom gets too big */
    while (m[1][0] *  ( ai = (long)x ) + m[1][1] <= maxden) {
        long t;
        t = m[0][0] * ai + m[0][1];
        m[0][1] = m[0][0];
        m[0][0] = t;
        t = m[1][0] * ai + m[1][1];
        m[1][1] = m[1][0];
        m[1][0] = t;
        if(x==(double)ai) break;     // AF: division by zero
        x = 1/(x - (double) ai);
        if(x>(double)0x7FFFFFFF) break;  // AF: representation failure

    /* now remaining x is between 0 and 1/ai */
    /* approx as either 0 or 1/m where m is max that will fit in maxden */
    /* first try zero */
    printf("%ld/%ld, error = %e\n", m[0][0], m[1][0],
           startx - ((double) m[0][0] / (double) m[1][0]));

    /* now try other possibility */
    ai = (maxden - m[1][1]) / m[1][0];
    m[0][0] = m[0][0] * ai + m[0][1];
    m[1][0] = m[1][0] * ai + m[1][1];
    printf("%ld/%ld, error = %e\n", m[0][0], m[1][0],
           startx - ((double) m[0][0] / (double) m[1][0]));

Solution 2:

From Python 2.6 on there is the fractions module.

(Quoting from the docs.)

>>> from fractions import Fraction
>>> Fraction('3.1415926535897932').limit_denominator(1000)
Fraction(355, 113)

>>> from math import pi, cos
>>> Fraction.from_float(cos(pi/3))
Fraction(4503599627370497, 9007199254740992)
>>> Fraction.from_float(cos(pi/3)).limit_denominator()
Fraction(1, 2)

Solution 3:

If the the output is to give a human reader a fast impression of the order of the result, it makes no sense return something like "113/211", so the output should limit itself to using one-digit numbers (and maybe 1/10 and 9/10). If so, you can observe that there are only 27 different fractions.

Since the underlying math for generating the output will never change, a solution could be to simply hard-code a binary search tree, so that the function would perform at most log(27) ~= 4 3/4 comparisons. Here is a tested C version of the code

char *userTextForDouble(double d, char *rval)
    if (d == 0.0)
        return "0";

    // TODO: negative numbers:if (d < 0.0)...
    if (d >= 1.0)
        sprintf(rval, "%.0f ", floor(d));
    d = d-floor(d); // now only the fractional part is left

    if (d == 0.0)
        return rval;

    if( d < 0.47 )
        if( d < 0.25 )
            if( d < 0.16 )
                if( d < 0.12 ) // Note: fixed from .13
                    if( d < 0.11 )
                        strcat(rval, "1/10"); // .1
                        strcat(rval, "1/9"); // .1111....
                else // d >= .12
                    if( d < 0.14 )
                        strcat(rval, "1/8"); // .125
                        strcat(rval, "1/7"); // .1428...
            else // d >= .16
                if( d < 0.19 )
                    strcat(rval, "1/6"); // .1666...
                else // d > .19
                    if( d < 0.22 )
                        strcat(rval, "1/5"); // .2
                        strcat(rval, "2/9"); // .2222...
        else // d >= .25
            if( d < 0.37 ) // Note: fixed from .38
                if( d < 0.28 ) // Note: fixed from .29
                    strcat(rval, "1/4"); // .25
                else // d >=.28
                    if( d < 0.31 )
                        strcat(rval, "2/7"); // .2857...
                        strcat(rval, "1/3"); // .3333...
            else // d >= .37
                if( d < 0.42 ) // Note: fixed from .43
                    if( d < 0.40 )
                        strcat(rval, "3/8"); // .375
                        strcat(rval, "2/5"); // .4
                else // d >= .42
                    if( d < 0.44 )
                        strcat(rval, "3/7"); // .4285...
                        strcat(rval, "4/9"); // .4444...
        if( d < 0.71 )
            if( d < 0.60 )
                if( d < 0.55 ) // Note: fixed from .56
                    strcat(rval, "1/2"); // .5
                else // d >= .55
                    if( d < 0.57 )
                        strcat(rval, "5/9"); // .5555...
                        strcat(rval, "4/7"); // .5714
            else // d >= .6
                if( d < 0.62 ) // Note: Fixed from .63
                    strcat(rval, "3/5"); // .6
                else // d >= .62
                    if( d < 0.66 )
                        strcat(rval, "5/8"); // .625
                        strcat(rval, "2/3"); // .6666...
            if( d < 0.80 )
                if( d < 0.74 )
                    strcat(rval, "5/7"); // .7142...
                else // d >= .74
                    if(d < 0.77 ) // Note: fixed from .78
                        strcat(rval, "3/4"); // .75
                        strcat(rval, "7/9"); // .7777...
            else // d >= .8
                if( d < 0.85 ) // Note: fixed from .86
                    if( d < 0.83 )
                        strcat(rval, "4/5"); // .8
                        strcat(rval, "5/6"); // .8333...
                else // d >= .85
                    if( d < 0.87 ) // Note: fixed from .88
                        strcat(rval, "6/7"); // .8571
                    else // d >= .87
                        if( d < 0.88 ) // Note: fixed from .89
                            strcat(rval, "7/8"); // .875
                        else // d >= .88
                            if( d < 0.90 )
                                strcat(rval, "8/9"); // .8888...
                                strcat(rval, "9/10"); // .9

    return rval;

Solution 4:

Here's a link explaining the math behind converting a decimal to a fraction:

And here's an example function for how to actually do it using VB (from

Public Function Dec2Frac(ByVal f As Double) As String

   Dim df As Double
   Dim lUpperPart As Long
   Dim lLowerPart As Long

   lUpperPart = 1
   lLowerPart = 1

   df = lUpperPart / lLowerPart
   While (df <> f)
      If (df < f) Then
         lUpperPart = lUpperPart + 1
         lLowerPart = lLowerPart + 1
         lUpperPart = f * lLowerPart
      End If
      df = lUpperPart / lLowerPart
Dec2Frac = CStr(lUpperPart) & "/" & CStr(lLowerPart)
End Function

(From google searches: convert decimal to fraction, convert decimal to fraction code)