Starcraft II Attack-Move as default "mouse-click"

Buy a Razer Naga or some other similar gaming mouse, bind A+Lft Click to one of the several side keys, use that key as attack move.

Consider using a keyboard-mouse macro. If you are using a proper gaming mouse and keyboard you could program a simple conditional like: IF Left-Click then Enter Character 'A'

Thus, every time you you left-click you would automatically enter attack move mode if you have one or more units selected. But as Nick122 has warned, there may be unforeseen consequences such as attacking a gas refinery that you intended to harvest from if you are selecting SCVs, although when you mine minerals or gas you usually right-click... but still...

If you are serious about this I recommend programming a macro like the one I described, and testing this for yourself if you have a gaming keyboard and mouse which have this as a native feature. Otherwise, you would need to get third-party macro software for your mouse and keyboard which would need to run in the background while you play Starcraft II.

My verdict: an interesting notion but not worth the effort. If you want to optimize your game-play there are other useful things you can do. I play Zerg and have set my space-bar key to rotate between hatcheries for faster injecting, for example. If you do test this out, post the results here. I for one, would be interested.

No, there isn't. Third party software just won't help because you need to left click other items in the game so setting up the mouse button to do something wouldn't work. Besides that, there is just so much wrong with having left click be an attack move.

I GOT IT ! (sorry for reviving old thread, is short and useful)

use autohotkey and write the folowing script

Control & RButton::
    Send a{LButton}