How can I stop the "Get Office 365" notifications in Windows 10?

I recently upgraded to Windows 10, and every couple days I have been getting this annoying notification that is basically an ad for Office 365.

It seems to come from an app called "Get Office 365".

I could see any settings for this app, so I uninstalled it. However, it seems like it comes back after I run install Windows updates sometimes.

How can I get rid of this for good? Or at least stop it from showing notifications?

Solution 1:

Where it says "search the web and windows" type "notifications"

At the top of the of the popup menu you should see something that says "Notications and action settings"

Click on that and from you can disable the annoying notications for Office 365 along survey requests and tips from microsoft.

You can also choose to uninstall the "Get Office 365" app (Settings > System > Apps, select Get Office 365, select uninstall).

Solution 2:

apparently, the folks out there are excited by either that app or Office 365. If you do a search on that problem on the net, you barely find anything but hints on how to get Office 365.

But at least I was able to find something which might point in the right direction:

  1. The app "Get Office 365" seems to be connected with "Get Skype". You will have to uninstall both of them to get rid of the notifications.
  2. There might be related entries in Task Scheduler pertaining to "Get Office 365" or "Get Skype". You will have to at least de-activate all of them.
  3. If you have another Office version installed, it seems to prevent the "Get Office 365" app from running. In my case, I have Office 2013 installed and never had any notifications since then.

Hope this helps a little bit.

Kind regards.