Pacman's equivalent in Ubuntu [duplicate]

I have to refer you to this link from Arch Wiki which compares pacman commands with other package managers:

Arch            Debian/Ubuntu
pacman -[S|Q]i  apt show / apt-cache policy
pacman -Qi      dpkg -s / aptitude show
pacman -Si      apt-cache show / aptitude show
pacman -Ql      dpkg -L
pacman -Fl      apt-file list $pattern
pacman -Qo      dpkg -S / dlocate
pacman -Ql      dpkg-query -L
pacman -Fo      apt-file search
pacman -Fs      apt-file search
pacman -Qc      apt-get changelog

pacman -Ss      apt search
pacman -Qu      apt-get upgrade -> n
pacman -Sl      apt-cache dumpavail

A shot from page:

enter image description here

Ubuntu is Debian based Linux distro. It uses the APT for package management.

Command for updating the repositories

sudo apt-get update

Command for updating the system packages

sudo apt-get upgrade

Command for installation of package

sudo apt-get install <package_name>